At THM, we believe in shared warmth, projected style, and contagious attitude; that's why we commit to a collection of timeless clothing, boundless and universal.

This is how U-niverse was born, where each piece is designed for you to infuse with your style and bring it to life. This collection transcends mere moments of use, born from universal trends adapted to versatile, unisex, and functional garments that protect you from the cold while keeping you looking cool. Are you ready to discover it?
In U-niverse, jackets arrive in trendy colors of - pink, green, and orange - ready to enliven all your looks and versatile enough for any occasion. And of course, we have the timeless colors: black, gray, and beige, not only in our jackets but also in various accessories. It's all about choosing complementary items from your closet to express that warmth within (we've included some ideas in the photos).
And speaking of combining with other garments, layering is key in this collection. The art of layering in dressing is gaining strength and now even carries over to summer with more playful looks. This technique blends styles, sizes, colors, and textures into a single look. Dare to try it?

Is there more? Absolutely, we can’t overlook the functionality of all our garments, perfect for protecting against low temperatures and adverse climates. All our fabrics and materials serve various functions, whether maintaining body heat, repelling water, cutting the wind, or all of the above.

This is what we mean when we talk about this new capsule as a universe of options, where you can unleash your creativity and dare to create outfits that break away from the mundane. It's about exploring, creating vibrant or monochromatic looks, and stepping out of the comfort of dressing like everyone else to delve deeper into that inner warmth you carry, which you'll surely radiate with U-niverse. Here is the first capsule of this collection, which will evolve throughout the year.
A universe of options where you are the star.